Delhi – The City of Poets

  In the City of Amir Khusro and Ghalib, where couplets are inscribed in the very air that you breathe, where odes have been written of unrequited love and the pain of  separation from the Divine. It is in that city – Delhi – where the search for satiating one’s heart, mind, body and soul begins with verse and ends in verse. In the shadows … Continue reading Delhi – The City of Poets

Delhi, a city of Power and Change

A city that is currently most identifiable as the capital of the free and democratic nation that is India has had a history that is painfully beautiful. She has served as the capital for modern India, since the year 1911, when the British made her their capital seat. She served as a center for political thought and control for the Mughals before and continues to … Continue reading Delhi, a city of Power and Change